Our hearts have their own consciousness; they are much more than a simple pump, and our emotions arise from the body’s consciousness expressinghttps://vimeo.com/74258440 our inner conditions that the mind may take note and concede to equilibrium.
My work attempts to express the temporality of our changing emotions as the body bids against the mind to find equilibrium.
My work attempts to express the temporality of our changing emotions as the body bids against the mind to find equilibrium.
Using a video of the upper thoracic part of the body, the heart centre, as metaphor, I am attempting to express how our spine and the muscles that support it, continually try to find equilibrium during various states of emotion. As within the video, sometimes we are alone and at others we are supported. At times our lives are turbulent, at others quiet. Our hearts have their own consciousness; they are much more than a simple pump, and our emotions arise from the body’s consciousness expressing our inner conditions that the mind may take note and concede to balance.